身快有手慢無. CESAR NIETO 24個月伊比利亞黑毛豬火腿前腿(約4-5KG) 原價$2100 , 裝修清貨價$ 1200 (如需送貨, 每隻火腿加 $100, 不包括離島及馬灣) 刀連架需另加$150.

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Iberico Jamon Workshop

( ˘⌣˘) We are Getting Start NOW (˘⌣˘ ) Iberico Jamon Tasting Workshop ✓Classify different type of jamon ✓The Making of the Jamon ✓How to choose the best Jamon ✓Use the Jamon to cook Tapas ✓Iberico Jamon and Red Wine Tasting Workshop Detail : Date : Every Monday , Wednesday or Friday (Pick one day Only) Time: 19:30 - 21:30 Address: Rm 604 Block 2 Tak Fung Industrial Center 168 Texaco Road, Tsuen Wan. Fees : $350/Steudent Number: Must apply 4 student together Application : http://goo.gl/KKoobI

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Polifit Party House Grand Opening

過去一年, 保盈行承蒙各界客戶朋友支持, 有不錯的成績. 於2014年擴充發展, 為各方好友提供更多多元化服務, 除一般批發零售外, 更設立PARTY HOUSE 供會員租用, PARTY HOUSE 設有卡拉OK, 遊戲機及多類型遊戲娛樂, 務求令大家有HOUSE WARMING 的感覺. OPENING 當日, 感激各位到場支持, Polifit 保盈行亦會用心服務大家, 謝謝你們!

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Vega Sicilia

對於資深飲家們,有誰未聽過西班牙酒王Vega-Sicilia的大名?特別是該酒莊的旗艦「Unico」,就更加位列世界級名酒之列,其江湖地位之高,實不亞於法國的TopFive,有些Fans甚至認為尤有過之!理由是Vega-Sicilia依然保留着歐洲舊世界頂班酒那種含蓄、內斂的風格,飲家們必須持以耐性,才能慢慢體現到其神韻,好像最近實試這瓶1998Unico(見圖),雖然已陳藏了十二年,加上預先doubledecant,但口感依然堅韌無比,估計再存上二、三十年亦無妨。 當然,這類身價動輒數千元一瓶,還要留待退休之年,甚至兒孫滿地才能盡享的極品紅酒,自非大眾口味,但該酒莊於二千年後才推出的一款「Pintia」紅酒卻平易近人得多,以年份2007計,才賣三百餘元,但就肯定殺低不少同年同價法國酒,絕對值得大家留意。 氣候造就種植葡萄 斗羅河岸位處西班牙北部中央的高原地帶,即伊比利亞半島(Iberian Peninsula),區內的葡萄園就是沿着斗羅上游河畔而建,高約海拔七百至八百五十米。斗羅河岸處於內陸,屬內陸及地中海氣候帶,陽光充沛,雨量少,季度日夜溫差大。另冬天嚴寒,有霜雪,氣溫低至攝氏零下十八度;夏天炎熱,氣溫可高達四十度。此處土壤充滿着幼細豐富的河床沉積物,如黏土、碎石、石灰岩、泥灰土等等。斗羅河岸區釀酒業有超過千年歷史,源遠流長,不過葡萄種植的文化要到十二世紀才開始蓬勃起來,到十九世紀中,Vega Sicilia及Pesquera的崛起令此區聲名大噪,地位直逼里奧哈。因為兩家酒莊所造的酒都把原生葡萄品種Tempranillo潛能發揮得淋漓盡致:這裏的獨特極端氣候給西班牙本土品種Tempranillo(別名Tinto Fino)一個極佳的環境,果實全面成熟,能釀出色澤深邃、酒身結實、充足酸度、丹寧結構緊密、具複雜性的紅酒。 Vega Sicilia莊園建於斗羅河岸區西面,泥土以石灰岩為主,酒莊有今天的成就,當中經過幾番波折。Vega Sicilia於1864年由富家公子Don Eloy Lecanda Chaves成立,最初因為創辦人曾旅居法國波爾多,回國後便矢志以栽種法國波爾多品種為主,如赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)、梅洛(Merlot)、馬爾貝克(Malbec)及佳美拿(Carmenere),時到今日,莊園內不再種有佳美拿。然而,酒莊並未有因為以上「異族」品種而大展鴻圖,及至1910年,酒莊轉手,釀酒師以原生品種Tempranillo釀製紅酒,得到讚譽,佳釀風格成了雛形。1982年,酒莊由Alvarez家族購入,嚴密管理葡萄園種植運作及釀酒作業,酒質愈來愈好,亦見穩定,慢慢其國內外地位逐漸提高,直至今日已成為收藏家追捧的酒王。 跟現任掌舵人Pablo Alvarez談酒經,他說明要釀好酒,必須要種出好果實;要種出好果實,莊園管理尤其重要。他慨嘆西班牙本有極大優秀潛質釀出佳品,可惜因為很多人墨守陳規,只着重產量,忽視品質,這些酒廠低估莊園管理的重要性,落得生產了一大堆平庸之品。 能在幾十年前落實執行嚴謹的莊園及酒廠管理,難怪Vega Sicilia可造出令人讚嘆的好酒。

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Best Pork Ever --- Spanish Iberico Secreto

Reservations Before next Monday will get extra 10% discount, please PM or call us TEL: 3997 3298 This raw pork to eat the best food in Spain. Top ham produced in Spain do not have instructions, must be the finest leg ham made ​​of black pigs after eating acorns, called jamon iberico de bellota. Close to the Portuguese border provinces of Salamanca in Spain and Extremadura, the mountain forest grass backyard with a lot of black hog. They eat wild grass and acorns, drink mountain spring water. And other long enough components to be sent to slaughter, pickled, legs made ​​of jamon, forelegs made ​​palleta, the body is made ​​of a variety of meat sausage, lomo, chorizo, salchichon ...... However, there is a piece of meat will be left behind, that is secreto this site. Restaurant owner said, because the taste too good butcher will secretly put this piece of meat and hide for themselves, it is unknown delicious - so named secreto. He gesturing at himself, "is the pig ribs armpit to the direction of the front ribs covered with a piece of meat." We suddenly realized, clearly is "not seen Heaven" Well, no wonder delicious. Iberian black pigs has always been a "pork and cattle" reputation. Compared to ordinary pork contains a lot of fat, like snow lines and cattle in general, after heating will become delicious gravy. On the menu just says Iberico Secreto. Cooking with the most simple way, heat the oil to go after both sides sealed, forming a layer of pork outside Jiaocui golden shell. Then sprinkle with salt, and serve hot. The first entry is tough and tender feeling of mingled. Tough because the outermost pork in the heat becomes dry, but because this extremely thin, so immediately is tender. And more tender it? Pixel chicken texture. In this wonderful taste came in later to become fat like lard residue by high-temperature coke flavor, pork own flavor, sweet, salty sea salt, and lots of gravy to stimulate the taste buds happy. Dinner will not have the pleasure? Will. If you have not experienced, invited Wine Country restaurant Cafe Arrope Haro eat once their iberico secreto. That mouthful of choking, chest life and played like a clap of thunder, dripping Hearty, cold winter like a hot shower instant hit him tight scalp slightly dumb. Startled that wonderful feeling, is not felt, can not explain in words. We later at another restaurant after another tried other pork. Ordinary pork gone days, in addition to the meat dry and no firewood outside and with a lot of gravy flavored pig noise, completely unable to entry; black pig pork shoulder meat, although the meat is soft but less share the same juice meat soar with a sense of pleasure, and in the end means it hard. Even before leaving last night, we went to Madrid a specially made ​​iberico secreto reportedly also very good restaurants, but found that they have done over cooked pork, chewing up has a slight taste of meat residue, and completely outside Cafe Arrope a grade on. Fortunately, before leaving to find iberico secreto sell raw meat in the supermarket, the back of the boxes back. Kwong Hing has to take a box of soy sauce marinated fried green under the belly, and a box ready to pick an auspicious directly fried with salt basin wide and Hing eat. "Give me a piece of meat and then cut it." "To much chunks?" "To be able to feel happy so chunks."

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西班牙火腿世界聞名,當嘗到了它的美味後,幾乎人人都想知道它是如何制成的。據說,來西班牙不品嘗一下西班牙的火腿,就算白來一趟。   西班牙火腿Jamon發音"哈蒙",整個西班牙東南西北都生產,但最著名的Jamon生產地,是在西班牙南部的安達盧西亞省內的一個叫烏愛巴的小縣城內。烏愛巴制作Jamon的歷史悠久,早在羅馬時代就開始研究和制作。這個地方制作的火腿味道非常好,原因是當地的種豬與其他地方的種豬有許多異樣。   首先,由於地理、環境和氣候的優勢,該地的豬仔肥壯,但精肉多肥肉少,光是這個獨特的條件就奠定了其火腿的優勢。   其次,西班牙火腿的種豬平日要在大草原上奔跑,食用最好的橡子飼料。因為這樣的豬肉味道和肉質都比較好。   在西班牙,沒有蓋上"以橡子喂食"的印章,就不是優質火腿肉。不過,烏愛巴的種豬在宰殺前的4個月,也就是每年的11月到次年的3月,還要進入到大型養殖場,吃一種只有當地才有的樹上的果子,這種樹的名字叫"佩搖塔"。這個果子難道有什麼講究嗎?原來吃了果子後,豬脂肪中的膽固醇含量會降低,脂肪變得清潔,變得透明。在食果子期內,每天還會有專門人員和豬仔一起做減肥運動。經過4個月的特殊生活,種豬的重量大多在80公斤至90公斤左右,比來這裡前普遍減少8至10公斤,所以制出的火腿都是精肉。即便有高血壓、肥胖症的人也可以食用。   很有意思的一點是,中國飲食文化中的"火腿"在制造過程中用到了煙和火作為工具來加工豬肉,但西班牙的"哈蒙"只用鹽,不用火也不用煙,這是非常特殊的制法。(補充資料:中國火腿名稱的由來:有兩種傳說,一說是因火腿肉色嫣紅如火而得名;另一種說法是,早先加工火腿,在腌制洗曬後需經煙熏火烤才能成為成品,因其中有有經火烤,故而得名火腿。)   哈蒙的制作時間一般為2至3年。農場以優質海鹽腌制豬肉,然後放進攝氏4度的冰箱內。12天後將海鹽抹去,在接下來的3個月內把溫度調高至攝氏20度。之後將火腿送往儲藏窖繼續腌制兩年。加工後的火腿肉必須通過嗅覺測試,才能蓋上"頂級"的印章。   Jamon是西班牙人必吃的食品,但卻不是主食,一般作為前菜用它來開胃。   西班牙火腿Jamon(哈蒙)通常由手工切片,切肉師傅有一套專門工具:一個架子,數把肉刀。衡量切肉師傅的技術的標准就是看誰切得薄,面積大小要絕對均勻。在西班牙,火腿和切火腿有著很長的傳統,是一種文化,還有專門的學校教廚師們如何片火腿。   用特制長刀將其切成薄片後享用,就算是參差在肌肉間的脂肪,也能在送入口後馬上在唇齒間化開。   火腿外表給人干澀的錯覺,導致很少人會對它們一見鐘情。但是一經切開,獨特的香氣四溢。滲油的表面,讓人有馬上啃一口的衝動。肉色緋紅,肌肉周圍的淡淡粉紅色的脂肪,如雲環繞,肌肉之間的纖維卻猶如絲網密布成大理石的細紋理。頂級制品的外觀則更像一件藝術品。為了充分發揮其出眾的美味,食用時,需要用鋒利的刀手工將其切成非常薄的片,而且溫度最好在18℃~24℃之間。最好小口品嘗,這樣才能長時間保留Jamon的美味和芬香。   吃火腿最傳統的方法是直接從火腿上切下來,放到盤子裡,然後再從盤子裡送進嘴裡。吃的時候直接用手從盤子裡拿起火腿片,放入嘴裡。當然,我們都知道你是一個講文明懂禮貌的好孩子,不過在享用西班牙火腿的這一刻,是不用刀叉滴!   除了單片直接生吃,還可以繞在一塊甜瓜上這麼吃。   或是配上一片曼徹格羊奶干酷一起吃。這都是西班牙特有的吃法。   還可以配著面包、橄欖、其它開胃菜一起吃,或拌入一些成品菜裡。但總的來說,如果要把火腿肉加入一份菜肴裡的話,對它的烹調加工越少越好,這樣才能品嘗到它原汁原味的鮮美風味。   既然是一種悠久的文化傳統,大概經過若干次千奇百怪的嘗試,人們也發現了jamon,奶酪和紅酒是享受歡聚時光時的最佳搭配,你下次也可以試一下。別忘了,與家人和朋友在一起快樂加倍喔

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Jamon Iberico is good for Health

Jamon Iberico, a MUST in your diet. Doctor Mok: "This is one of the greatest treats on Earth!"

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